Rehabilitation. Conservation. Education.

Prairie Falcon photo: Lydia Ripplinger

Ojai Raptor Center accepts patients to our wildlife hospital seven days a week. Due to the delicate nature of these patients, we are not open to the general public.

Private experience presentations are available in a limited capacity. Click here to learn more.

Education Programs

We offer a variety of of environmental education programs with the help of our non-releasable raptor ambassadors as well as bio facts and slide shows: from live Zooms, to off-site visits, and on-site experiences, we present to classes, clubs, groups, families and friends.

Barn Owl with mouse

Raptors & Rodents

Raptors rely on rodents to survive. All rodenticides, or rat poison, pose a threat to raptors and other wildlife. Click below to learn more about safe alternatives to using rodenticides, how to attract raptors for natural rodent control using owl boxes & hawk perches, and find information regarding Barn Owl releases/placements.

Meet Our Education Ambassadors

Latest Updates

We love sharing our great work - follow us on social media for the latest updates. See our Instagram feed below.

β€œ So thankful for the expert care your team gives to these amazing raptors & other wildlife.”

β€” Diana Dietrich