Join Our Flock!
When you become an annual member of Ojai Raptor Center, you are directly supporting our mission of rehabilitating and releasing injured and orphaned wildlife and providing educational programs about raptors and our shared environment.
Your membership fee helps cover many of the costs of medical and supportive care for the more than 1,200 patients we treat every year. As a nonprofit organization, ORC is primarily funded by private donations and grants. Although we operate by permission of state and federal wildlife agencies, we do not receive sustained government funding.
In return, you will receive benefits based on the level of membership you choose. These start with an attractive decal for your car, laptop or home to communicate your support of ORC and advance notice for purchasing event tickets up to invites to exclusive events just for members at our Ojai facility.
$125 Burrowing Owl Level
Benefits: ORC logo decal, advance notice for event tickets
$500 Red-tailed Hawk Level
Benefits: The same as Burrowing Owl Level PLUS an invitation to a raptor release, discounts on private tours
$1,000 Golden Eagle Level
Benefits: The same as Red-tailed Hawk Level PLUS invitations to members-only events at ORC