On Demand Learning & Activities
ORC's on demand learning experiences allows raptor enthusiasts, teachers, parents and homeschoolers to access learning materials and videos anytime, anywhere.
Owl Pellet Dissection Lab
Our owl pellet dissection lab is a free, 8-page pdf download that provides a fun way to learn about the unique digestive systems of owls and explore what owls eat! Our lab includes a short reading passage, instructions for pellet dissection and bone sorting, Carolina Biological Supply bone chart, along with 5 activity pages for recording observations, organizing and assembling bones, answering questions, and recording the flow of energy in the food web of an owl’s habitat. Need owl pellets? If you can’t find any in nature and we don’t have any available in the shop, there are many suppliers on the internet where you can order owl pellets from.
Adaptations Video
featuring ORC Education Ambassadors
This 9 minute educational video features ORC ambassadors Lucy the Western Screech Owl and Bob the American Kestrel along with stunning footage of native wild raptors to show examples of their behavioral and physical adaptations. Activity pages to accompany this video for grades 1-3 can be downloaded here. Concepts discussed: adaptations, camouflage, mimicry, predator & prey dynamics, learned behavior, instinct, inherited traits.
Raptor Resources:
Books and Sites for Adults and Children
Bird Fun At Home
Courtship behavior of an adult pair of mated Red-tailed Hawks
Here’s our list of some fun observational activities to do at home:
Start a Backyard Bird Count! You’d be surprised at how many birds will visit your backyard. See our list of Selected Reading and Resources for bird guides to help you identify them. You can track your backyard list using eBird.
Start a nature journal. Sit outside and record the date and time. Write down what you hear, see and feel. You can also doodle or draw a natural object.
Get to know a nest cam! During the spring and summer months, bird cams all over the country are recording the magic of nesting bird families. Check them out on explore.org
Bird Habitat Bingo
Play this fun bingo game in a park or yard to see just how bird friendly that space is. The results could inspire a future project on improving or creating habitat for birds and pollinators. We play this game with participating local schools that have created native schoolyard habitat in partnership with USFWS. Click here to see the USFWS Schoolyard Habitat Project Guide. To contact our education program manager to discuss the schoolyard habitat program click here.
Educational Videos
en Español and English
Aprende sobre los halcones de cola roja con Fabiola y Rosie!
Learn about common, cavity nesting species of birds found in Southern California that you can see in your backyard.
Learn about a few common species of hawks that can be observed in your backyard or local park.
Tips for identifying hawks in flight that are commonly seen in Ventura county.
Did you know that almost half of the owl species found in North America are small? Learn about a dozen pint-sized owls, none of which stand more than a foot tall!
Learn about avian anatomy and how different wing fractures are healed with wildlife veterinarian Dr. Stephany Lewis, DVM., AVBP.
We love vultures! Learn why you should, too in this educational vulture appreciation video, with Jaclyn and Wonder.