Ash the American Kestrel
Like many of our ambassadors, Ash is incapable of surviving in the wild because he imprinted onto humans instead of his own species, likely from being raised by an unlicensed member of the public.
Topa the American Kestrel
Topa was hatched in the Spring of 2022 and admitted as a malprint in the Fall. He was likely found as a young chick and illegally raised and released by an unlicensed member of the public. The Ojai Raptor Center goes to great lengths to ensure that any young, “orphaned” raptors admitted to our hospital…
Juniper the Great Horned Owl
Juniper came to ORC in the Spring of 2020, in the beginning of nesting season as a young nestling with both head and eye trauma from a fall from her nest.
Wonder the Turkey Vulture
Wonder was found freezing and starving in a field in Michigan, due to visual impairment and his inability to thermoregulate because of a pigment disorder. He suffered from frostbite and lost two digits as a result.
Handsome the Turkey Vulture
Handsome was found as a nestling and was illegally held by a member of the public before being turned over to the Ojai Raptor Center. By the time he arrived he was already malprinted, or too habituated to humans to be released to the wild.
Willow the Barn Owl
Willow came to us in 2019 after she was illegally raised in captivity by a member of the public, which resulted in her malprinting, or becoming too habituated to humans to be released to the wild.